Monday 17 March 2008

Cazenove looking for new chief executive

The very English and gentlemanly investment bank Cazenove is searching for a new chief executive. Robert Pickering resigned recently, and various characters are in the running to replace him - Bob Wigley, Simon Robey, Ian Hannam, Alan Carruthers, James Leigh-Pemberton, and myself.

What?! Yeah, me. Unfortunately, I have already had one meeting with the Cazenove crowd and my white sheet didn't go over at all well. The thing is, very few people actually know what I look like. It's better for my mystical operations that way. So when I turned up to meet the Cazenove lot there was a problem. They asked me if I would be wearing my sheet if I took over at Cazenove. I told them I certainly would be wearing it. They frowned a bit and I got the distinct impression that they did not approve. I probably won't get the job now. Well, it's no skin off my nose. I only did it for a bet anyway. But there is a serious point here: Cazenove and all the other investment banks have to realize that banking is changing. I am the future. And people like me. The sooner they grasp this fact, the better.