Wednesday, 25 July 2018

It's far too hot for financial news, but Paul Spendiff has got a job

Well, well ... / A new job, I mean. He had a job, another job, a good job, probably, but ... you know how it is, dear reader(s). These people are never happy.

Paul Spendiff was working at Apex Fund Services. 'What did he do there, boss?' Er ... hang on a minute, Voice. [A minute passes.] Uh ... he was head of European sales, and some sort of managing director ... of their UK operations, I imagine. 'You don’t have to imagine, boss.' That's true. 'So, where is he going to now?' Ha! Where are any of us going to, Voice? As I keep saying, there were billions of years of life in the universe before we were born. That's time we missed out on, man. And after we die, there will be billions of years more. That's time we will miss out on, too, I'm afraid. We won't know what's happening ... on earth, or anywhere. And people - idiots, basically - like to say, "Oh, we'll have a lovely time in the afterlife". But there's no guarantee of that. There may be NOTHING after death, or ... there may be a sort of life where you lose your identity, your personality, and just, uh ... merge with the spirit power of the cosmos. So you won't be aware of anything, really, you'll just - 'No, boss. I mean what firm is Mr Spendiff going to now?' Oh. FundRock Group.

FundRock is a leading independent UCITS Management Company and Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) offering solutions for Luxembourg, UK and Ireland based funds, with paid up capital in excess of the €10 million capital requirement ceiling.

Our clients are established blue-chip companies and leaders in their domestic market. This is important to us and increasingly to asset managers and investors, as it means there is low contagion risk to their brand and investments.

You see, dear reader(s)? FundRock. It's nothing like the afterlife, and maybe that's for the best. 'They can use that, boss.' Yes, Voice. They can put that on their website.


Okay, okay. Anything else? Music? BBC Weather reckons it'll be a bit cooler this coming Sunday. I'll believe it when I see it, feel it, but it might be a good time to try recording my songs again. / I'll have to put some new Elixir strings on my guitar. Amazingly, the present strings have been on for well over two hundred hours and still sound reasonably okay. That could be down to the new Tusq saddle.

Anyway. Later(s), blog and pop fan(s)!