Thursday 23 December 2021

I just want it to be Christmas already

I'm writing this in the afternoon. Well, most of it, anyway. I'll post it tonight after my pizza.

I'm worn out, kook(s). I'm looking forward to my week off. Although I could start my fresh start next Monday and work on those lyrics. It all depends on what the weather is like. If it's not too bad, I might go out for long walks. Or I might stay in and write those lyrics. Anything is possible.

I've been thinking, man ... I've had so many cool musical dreams this year. I haven't told you about all of them. What's my favourite? It's probably the dream that gave me the verse tune for The Future. First of all, I dreamt a whole song with a band and everything, but I was too deep in sleep to wake up and do anything about it. The song stopped. There was a pause of four or five seconds - like you would expect on an album - and then The Future started with a really powerful blast. It woke me up, and then I sang the melody into my Zoom handy recorder.

Ha, ha, ha!

NOW ... try and tell me there's nothing mystical going on, and I'll consider you a total bloody lunatic - frankly. Seriously. You dig?

I'm glad we understand each other.

Okay, okay, that's enough. I was going to write more, but I am very tired. It might be a good idea to have a complete break next week and just eat mince pies and watch TV. What do you think? 

Anyway ...