Tuesday 5 December 2023

All my energy

yes, yes

Yes, all my energy must go towards my poems now. Well, nearly all. We only have so much energy, don't we, kooks?

ooo ooo ooo

How much energy do we get from chips though? That's the question. Last night I had rice and beans for me dinner. Tonight I will have chips.

Medinner. Not in bed though. That would be horrible.

Anyway ...

Time, time, time.

I'm worried that my time might be stolen next year by evil time thieves. Those characters are a serious problem, man. God knows how I'm going to write eleven poems before Christmas.

I must do it.

That blank one? There's no rush for it. I was staring at it again yesterday. Just staring. Wondering what to do, like.

But ten free ones, soon? Before Christmas, yes.

No squares, please. / By the way, my kooks ... my lack of clarity sometimes is me writing in "code" really that only I can understand. Just saying. Obviously, there is total clarity in the poems. However, if someone doesn't understand something, well ... there's nothing I can do. You dig?

Anyway ...

I must beat the time thieves before they find me. I know those bastards are looking for me.

When they show up ... ha, ha, ha! ... I'll have thirty poems, all written, and they won't be able to touch me.

Well, they can touch me, sure. They can steal time from me next year, but I will have the thirty poems.

After March.

Do you understand???

Beware the time thieves, my kooks! They are evil. They are stupid. They will destroy you if they can.

They steal your energy, too.

Are they agents of the state?
Maybe the deep state?
Well, maybe.

They might be agents of the devil. Or, at least, the low forces of the cosmos. Maybe the cosmos destroys weak souls in the form of the devil.

It's worth considering.

But don't spend too much time thinking about that shit! You don't have enough time. And you don't have enough energy.

I hope I'm getting through to you.
I hope all this helps you.
It certainly helps me.

Anyway ...
